søndag 27. mars 2011


Cas found himself a new friend yesterday. Her name is Melody DeLonghi and she kinda looks a bit like a small spaceship. { And just between us - she is quite noisy as well... }

But Cas promised me that she is capable of whipping up and amazing Iced Coffee so I'll play along. For now. Maybe we will learn to get along eventually!

Enjoy your Sunday cupcakes

18 kommentarer:

  1. Bare vent. Før du aner det sitter du i saksa. Jeg var i utgangspunktet skeptisk, men utviklet raskt et kjærlighetsforhold til Nespresso-maskinen min. Nå er vi uadskillelige!

    TUSEN takk for "knappen". For en ære! I don't mind the slightest :)

  2. Too cute - looks like a little robot! :-)

  3. I just finished my cafè au lait drinking this morning...well one hour later. Today is official summer time! :)) But it`s okay....

    Signe, I just bought this wonderful bag you`ve posted yesterday and wanna thank you for sharing, otherwise I wouldn`t have found it! :)
    I guess, I will make a post of *Traccebags*, cause Paola has wonderful creations.
    Enjoy your sunday!
    Hugs, Beate :)

  4. Good morning dear!!Nothing like a fine cup of coffee!!

  5. I bet you'll put up with a minute of noise, for a coffee-time of bliss! I have a Nespresso and love it, but I've never tried deLonghi! xo
    Ps.: Lovely blog!

  6. Hope Ms. delonghi whipped up a great iced coffee for you!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  7. Wow så nais!
    Flotte bilder!
    Er det frekt å spør om hvordan du lager din fine signatur?
    Den er veldi fin ;)
    God søndag!
    klem manu

  8. Å , det var det vi var tenkt å kjøp dåkk i julegave - før det blei tur nordover. Gratuler med investeringen :-)

  9. that looks like a very fancy coffee maker, let us know how the iced coffees come out!

  10. oh my, competition already ... you can take her!

  11. Sending you one of my mini doughnuts to go with your coffee today my friend...happy new week to you. xoxox

  12. Love to start the day with a coffee. What a cool looking machine!

  13. Nice style, colorful, contemporary, design ..
    How are your relationships?
    Sweet day to you .. Here, time is the rain!


  14. YES ma'am! I'll take one too. What a lovely friend to have. :)

    I hope your weekend was awesome!

  15. Denne blir du nok fort venn med ja :) Jeg har fått en veldig godt forhold til min kaffemaskin. Sitter fakstisk å drikker en hjemmelaget vaniljelatte akkurat nå :) Mmmmm...
    Ønsker deg en ny og fin uke! Nyt våren og kaffen.
    klem Nina

  16. It looks great and I hope you enjoy the drinks you will be able to make with it.

  17. There is nothing better on a morning then freshly done coffee..I love it!! Happy Tuesday, darling
