fredag 22. juli 2011

stakkars stakkars lille store Oslo by

Stakkars lille store Oslo by. Og alle ungdommene på Utøya.
Uff, jeg grøsser. Det finnes ikke ord.

En lillebror som ringer for å si at han er like hel, 
men han hadde tatt trikken forbi regjeringskvartalen bare minutter før det utenkelige skjedde.
Ulla sender melding og er redd. Hun satt på verandaen og så ned på byen da det smalt.
Mine kollegaer som jobber i akersgata, bare et steinkast unna.

Heldigvis ser det ut til at alle 'mine' er trygge.
Mine tanker går i dag til dem som ikke var like heldige...

Today I have poor little big Oslo on my mind, and all those youth at Utøya.
There are just no words. *shiver*

My little brother that called me to tell me he is all right,
but he had been passing by in a tram where the blast happened just minutes earlier.
Ulla texted me and was naturally scared. She could see the blast happen from her window.
My collogues at work, just around the block from the big bang.

I am so thankful that all of 'my people' seems to be safe and sound.
My thoughts go out to those that were not as fortunate as me...

22 kommentarer:

  1. Det er helt ufattelig. La oss krysse fingrene for at det er en sinnsyk høyreekstrem som står bak og ikke en internasjonal terrorgruppe.

  2. Uff... jeg får helt vondt inni meg når jeg leser teksten din...
    Så utrolig trist.
    Bare 2 timer siden dette gikk opp for meg!
    Er tom innvendig.
    Takk for koselige ord forresten :)
    Klem May Helen

  3. make love - not war

  4. Heilt forferdeleg det som har skjedd. Ein tenkjer med ein gong på slekt og venner der nede, og mine er heller ikkje direkte berørt.
    Vi skulle reise dit over helga, men vi finn truleg eit anna reisemål.

    Klem ♥

  5. I havent had the tv on all day, so now I need to go read some headlines.. however, I'm glad your brother is ok!

  6. so sorry to hear about this tragedy. really awful.

  7. My thoughts are with the people of Norway.....

  8. Sending much love and peace their way...

  9. Courage Norway. Sending love.

  10. ohh so sad i am very sad to read this ................

  11. Glad that all your friends and loved ones are safe. It is just so terrible what has happened. My heart goes out to all the families of the victims at this very sad time. Stephie x

  12. I'm glad your family and friends are okay.

    ***** Marie *****

  13. these news have been horrifying, makes wonder hoe much madness there truly is in this world that you just can't see, other than on the news - until it hits you.
    good to hear that no one of your loved ones weren't hurt.


  14. Signe, I cannot begin to comprehend what has happened. A bomb in peaceful Oslo and those horrible shootings in Utøya! Numbness is the only thing I feel and tremendous sadness. The only relief yesterday was knowing that you and Cas were at least safe in the North.

    The heart of the entire Icelandic nation is with Norwegians now. It's at moments like these when we feel how strong the Nordic bonds really are.

    Big hug from Antwerp

  15. Signe - so glad yours are safe and sound. It's unbelievable that this should happen in Oslo. When our beloved Manchester was bombed a decade ago it felt so raw - and unfair and personal. And pointless.
    fee x

  16. Sänder all min kärlek till er idag ♥Kram Johanna

  17. Mine er trygge og.
    En forferdelig tragedie, mine tanker går til alle de som ikke var så heldig som meg og deg.

  18. I can not imagine it and hope I never experience something like this but most of all I'm glad your loved ones are safe.

  19. Hi Signe, I'm pretty clueless lately when it comes to stuff happening in the news, so I'm a little late. But I'm so glad to read that you and your family are OK. I'm sure everybody is shaken by this senseless tragedy right now. Thinking of you and your loves.

  20. Signe - I'm glad your loved ones are okay. My thoughts and prayers are with those who were affected by this absolutely senseless tragedy. xoxo

  21. I've been reading about everything going on in Norway and it just shocks me every time something like this happens. I'm just glad that you and your loved ones are okay. I can't ever imagine having to experience something like that. My heart goes out to all the victims and their families.
