tirsdag 28. juni 2011

vakre lupiner

En ting jeg liker godt med å bo her oppe i nord er overfloden av lupiner.
De er så og si for ugress og regne og finner rot over alt! Disse lyserosa fant jeg under terassen i går.

Utrolig vakre er de også og utvalget av farger er bare spektakulært. 
Blå, lilla, fiolett, rosa, hvite - samt et utall ulike varianter og blandinger av disse.

Hva med deg? Liker du lupiner?

I have absolutely no idea what these flowers are called in English, do you?
But they sure are pretty and they grow in abundance up here! They seem to be able to grow just about anywhere - I found these pale pink beauties under our balcony yesterday!

They have the most amazing color range as well and you can find them in
blue, purple, pink, white as well as any combination of these colors.

What's not to like? *smile*

24 kommentarer:

  1. I've never seen these before, they are so pretty! Have a happy week!x

  2. I love these flowers, and you've made them look so beautiful here :) Their english name is Lupin, which is quite similar to your language!

  3. :) and their finnish name is lupiini.

    there's these pink ones, violet and white all over road sides, love them ^^

    have a lovely week! :>

  4. The look just like the bluebonnets we have here in Texas.. but I think they are called Lupin! Love you pictures, as always.

  5. beautiful-don't have them around these parts- they look similar to flowers on the East Coast of Canada which from French translate to 'Rabbit Ears'

  6. Jeg elsker Lupiner jeg! Og vakre bilder du viser av dem her, søte*smil*

    ..ja, glansdagen var utrolig bra og med masse flotte gaver! Neste år skal vi ha med deg, ikke sant?*blunkesmil*

    Klem fra meg

  7. Beautiful, as always! I'm more of a bold color girl, but everytime I visit your blog I want to redecorate my entire house in pastels! : )

  8. I have no clue what they are called, but they are simply soooo pretty!!! lovely pictures!

  9. Jeg også elsker disse!
    Særlig de lysrosa og hvite da...
    noen kaller de ugress, tror det er derfor jeg liker de:)
    bladene er fine også.
    klem fra Tone

  10. Jeg liker lupiner veldig godt. Spesielt hvite og rosa. Og det beste er at de kan plukkes helt gratis! :)

  11. They are just lovely! :-)

  12. Ja, lupinar er flotte, men eg har dei ikkje i min eigen hage:)
    Ha ein fin kveld, Signe!

  13. I'm delighted that Lupin has nearly the same name in every language, and how well spoken all your other readers are! They're absolutely gorgeous!

  14. Those are so pretty :), I think I prefer foxgloves though. I hope your having a good week :D

  15. Im not sure what they are called but they are really pretty

  16. see you've already been well informed about the lupins!
    I love your language - and always try and read the title of each post - but it couldn't be further from mine, and I'm sure it would sound so funny to you!
    fee x
    (legg inn kommentar - love it!)

  17. The lupins grow wild at the side of the road all over Scotland - all colour ranges too and yes they really are beautiful!

  18. Gorgeous flower! Love the color.


  19. Lupin...they usually seem to be blue-violet or white here, the pink is lovely.

  20. lupine! Sounds like they are called about the same in all languages!

  21. Er også utrolig glad i lupiner, ugress eller ikke:) Men så synes jo jeg at det er koselig med løvetann i plenen også, da...;)

  22. De er fantastiske ♥
    Jeg liker best de dyp-rosa lupinene, prøver å skaffe meg ett par så jeg kan få sådd noen på hytta ! Der har vi bare blå.

  23. Wonderful idea wíth your lupines! The looks very pretty!
