lørdag 28. august 2010

Ut på tur!

Jeg nevnte at jeg skal ut på tur i september, men at jeg ikke aner hvor! Mamma og Erik har planlagt og sponser en 'blåtur' på alle oss fire barna og i dag fikk jeg innbydelsen på mail. Her har vi fått noen små hint til hvor turen går, eneste problemet er at de sa oss egentlig fint lite...

1) Oliven. Så rundt middelhavet et sted kanskje?
2) En gondolheis. What the..?
3) Et sted vi vanligvis ikke ville reist til.
4) Snittemperatur på rundt 24 grader i september.

Noen gode forslag? :)

So I mentioned that I am going on a trip in September, but I have no clue where we are going! My mom and stepdad is treating all of us four kids to a surprise holiday and yesterday we got our invitation in the mail. They have been nice enough to add a few hints about where we are going, only problem is that they didn't really tell us much...

1) Olives. Okay, so probably somewhere around the Mediterranean?
2) A gondola lift. What the..?
3) A place we would not travel to under normal circumstances.
4) Temperature around 24 degrees in September.

Anyone have any ideas? :)

24 kommentarer:

  1. That's a cute idea, a surprise holiday! Southern Italy or Greece?

  2. No, I know... Tunisia!? At least that's a place you wouldn't go to normally.

  3. im was also thinking tunisia or morocco, or italy or greece or something...tried to cheat with wikipedia, but their list over gondola lifts, is as long as an evil year!!! haha, how fun to wait for a surprise trip:) your mom is niceeeee!!!

  4. We were thinking Italy or Greece, but you are right - it could also be Tunisia or even Morocco. We ruled out France since we went to Paris last time we did this. Will be very exciting :)

  5. I don't know where it could be either...but it sounds exciting!
    Italian Alps?

  6. Seeing the lifts it reminds me of skiing but I don't know if the temperatures would be that high.

    I also cheated and checked out olive growing countries which are Croatia, Italy, France, Greece, Spain and Portugal... so I'm going with Portugal.

  7. Croatia and Portugal - interesting!
    Might be Croatia then as well since that would be a place we might not choose to visit under normal circumstances! Some nice digging there Bubbles :)

  8. I was thinking Southern Italy too. Wherever you go I am sure it will be a great time.

  9. sounds lovely! I would say Greece and Italy.

    I look forward to finding out!

  10. Oh my gosh, Italy or Greece. Either would be amazing!

  11. I love the idea of a surprise trip so much. It is going to be so fun for you and your family :)

    Croatia maybe? Or Italy...? Maybe Greece (I want to go there sooo bad!)?

    I am so excited to hear when you find out!

  12. how nice.. a surprise trip! What a great idea! I think it's Portugal!
    Thank you for visiting me and your lovely comment. so glad you did now I found your lovely blog!


  13. Vi e søkkimponert over alle gode forslag :) Dettan bli artigere og artigere....

  14. Ja du det e æ åsså! Men nu e det heldigvis ikkje så mange uken til vi finn ut av det ;)

  15. that is so fun!!! does italy have gondolas?? maybe somewhere in between italy and switzerland??? weird!! i can't wait to find out what it is, haha :)

  16. thanks for stopping by! love your blog too! bisoux! kate

  17. woah, that's so much fun! Gondolas? Italy? omg. haha.

    i am now your newest follower! I hope you can come check out my blog and follow me too?


  18. great idea! I like your blog

  19. Greece, Spain or the South of France ?
    Lovely post :)

  20. Italy? What a fun idea, though! I've never been on a surprise trip! Love this! So happy you stopped by Little Blue Deer so I could find you, happy to be your newest follower!

  21. hey nice blog :) *follow*
    xx venera

  22. Oh wow lucky girl! I'm sure wherever you're headed it will be amazing. Olives, gondola lift, warm weather? Recipe for a perfect holiday! Can't wait to hear where you go!

  23. A surprise trip sounds so fun!
