lørdag 21. august 2010

Mitt Oslo - Sofienbergparken

Om det finnes en 'no brainer' blant stedene i 'Mitt Oslo' så må det vel være denne! Sofienbergparken, ellet 'Hagen' som vi liker å kalle den, er vel stedet det er størst sannsynlighet for å finne meg om jeg ikke er hjemme i 51b i sommerhalvåret. Og må gudene vite hvor mange timer vi har sittet her opp gjennom årene, men det er nok et betydelig antall!

Det fine med denne parken, men unntak av at den ligger rett over veien så klart, er at den kan brukes til alt! Om du vil sløve og lese en bok på dagtid eller grille sammen med gode venner uten så mye mas å kjas så går du på den stille siden av parken hvor det er mange trær og nesten ingen folk. Om du vil ha litt folk og liv og drikke litt vin eller øl i kveldssola så kan du gå på den folksomme siden av parken. Oslopolitiet bryr seg heller ikke særlig om at du tar deg en øl eller tre i denne parken av en eller annen grunn, gjetter på at de har gitt opp for overmakten og bare bestemt seg for at så lenge du ikke bråker så er det allright!


For people who know me this one is a no brainer on the list over places in ‘My Oslo’! In summertime if I am not at home chances are you will find me here; in my neighboring park!  This huge park with a church in the middle is only one block away on the opposite side of my building as the botanical garden. 

(Oslo is a city with a lot of parks. We call them ‘the green lungs of the city’ and the city council is doing their best to preserve them, even in a time with shortage of space where they could easily sell them out for an enormous sum for corporations to build on. And I love them for it!)

The Sofienberg Park or ‘the garden’ as we usually call it has the advantage that you can use it for just about anything. On one side of the church there are a lot of trees and very few people for some reason so it’s perfect for relaxing with a good book. On the other side you have loads of people and you can go there if you are feeling social or to have a few beers in the evening sun with your friends. And for some reason the police does not mind if people drink there (in Norway it’s illegal to drink alcohol in public) and leaves everyone alone as long as you don’t make any problems. Guess they just caved in for the masses!

Pictures © SignePling

24 kommentarer:

  1. Thats quite fascinating, I'm wondering if one day it will be illegal here to drink outside except for outside a pub maybe as people are stood in brood day light with cans of beer etc... and cause so much havoc sometimes. It never used to be like this as most people in Bradford were from Southern Asia who religiously don't drink but now we also have many Europeans who I guess its normal in their country to do this.

    Its great you have a park like this to go to often, there is one just across the road from us but its quite open and not very private so I only go with my niece. As a child I used to spend hours there playing so I can understand why you go :)

  2. It's legal to drink outside bars in Norway too, but not in parks and on the street etc. But some places the police just don't seem to mind as long as it's not causing any havoc as you call it :)

  3. so true,so true, on of the best places to be in the summertime,in oslo:D that is when you know summer is starting, when people start to meet up here... and if thats not enough, its several parks like this in town!

  4. I love the pictures they're really pretty :D


  5. That just looks PERFECT! I want to hang out there!

  6. Lovely...
    I want to sit under a tree now~

  7. Fab photos! Looks like a blast. :)

  8. beautiful pictures, i love it !


  9. "The green lungs"-- I really love that.
    And how funny of the police! :)

    Hope you're having a wonderful Saturday. :)

  10. thank you! You're too kind! :D

    love, polly

  11. Oslo looks so beautiful! I have heard it is so nice. That park looks lovely. I love "the green lungs".

  12. Thanks so much for your comment!! I read through a lot of your entries, and now, I'm *your* newest follower! :)

    This park looks amazing. Because of this post, I'm going to go out today with a picnic basket in hand to enjoy the sunshine. And by the way...you do not have a double chin in your picture!

  13. lovely post the food looks yummy.
    =)looks relaxing

  14. this looks like so much fun! i hope you're having a fun weekend!!


    thanks for visiting my blog! i hope you come back and follow!

  15. that looks so delish!! yum yum yum

  16. Thanks for checking out and commenting on my blog! How long have you been blogging? I really like your blog, the pictures are great!

  17. Darcie: Not that long, since April this year I think, but been reading lots of different blogs for ages! And glad you like my pictures :)

  18. Looks like a day of fun. Yummy food:))

  19. wow that really seems like a lot of fun under the sun , i wish Malaysia have more parks and places like this

  20. These are such lovely photos, it's great that Oslo has resisted the developers. Hope your weekend was a good one!

  21. Åh kjære Oslo:)

  22. i would love to visit Oslo sometime... my dad's side of the family is Norwegian but he has never been!

  23. you are truly selling me on oslo!

  24. I LOVE Oslo althought I must say I am a Stockholm girl since I married a Swede...this looks like so much fun :-)

