tirsdag 9. august 2011

folkets IKEA katalog

SignePling i IKEA katalogen? Det hadde vært sååå gøy!
Trykk på bildet for å stemme på meg, eller bli med på moroa selv *smil*

SignePling in the IKEA catalogue? Now that would be FUN!

I'd be most grateful if you would take a second to vote for my contribution for an 
ongoing IKEA competition here in Norway The grand prize is to get your picture in an IKEA 
catalogue, an iterior stylist and a gift certificate to shop for in any of their stores. Sweet huh?

 Click on the picture and press the 'Stem' heart to vote for me, if you want to *smile*
{ Unfortunately I think you need to be logged into facebook, so this is only for the people with an account }

And maybe they have something similar going on in your country so you could join in on the fun? 
Look out for it on facebook!

17 kommentarer:

  1. Hihi så kul, ditt hem skulle verkligen pryda omslaget. Kram Johanna

  2. I thought that picture was from the IKEA catalog, at first glance! I just got mine in the mail the other day. I've yet to flip thru it, but I am excited to do so!

  3. Great! I thought, you have received the new catalog :-)!
    Have a nice day,

  4. Så morsomt. Skal stemme.

    Har sett gjennom hele IKEA katalogen på PDF fil på Ipaden, men det var selvfølgelig den amerikanske.

    Men det var selvfølgelig mye fint:)

  5. Så du har gjort det du også ja, hiihi!

    Lykke til.
    Jeg syns bare det var litt artig å hive meg med.

    ;O) Liv

  6. Done! Good luck - what a fun competition. It would be so exciting to see yourself in the Ikea Catalogue wouldn't it?! Absolutely love the dresser. What a great find.It's been a long time since I've been thrift shopping. I think i need to fix this!

    Hugs and happy Wednesday, Stephie x

  7. Is this is your table at home?
    it's perfect!!! Right up my alley!
    Voted for you and will spread the word!

  8. Stemme avgitt, selvfølgelig burde du vinne:) Jeg leste i en eller annen sammenheng at det bare var bibelen som ble lest av flere enn IKEA-katalogen!

  9. Hei hei! SÅ flott en blogg du har! helt herlig!
    Glad jeg kom på besøk hit :D
    Desverre har jeg ikke face book men hadde lett stemt på deg !
    Smil fra Mumsi/ Med et lekent sinn

  10. oh that sounds so exciting and fun... I hope you win as you spend enough there already :P... unfortunately I don't have a facebook so I'll have to be an imaginery vote.

  11. hmmm tried to vote, but I am getting an error message (& I am on facebook), not sure what the problem is, but I will try again later.

    good luck,

  12. so unique table .... love ur table style .......

  13. Så kult! Digger bordet ditt! ;)

  14. Åsså glemte jeg i iveren å svare på spørsmålet ditt, hihi;) Ja det er IKEA kjøkken vi har av typen STÅT, men Domsjø vask;) Elsker det!

  15. that coffee table is amazing! i love everything about it. good luck!

  16. Thank you for your comment on my blog :) I voted for you and I actually really thought your picture was the best :)
    Your blog looks really pretty too!
    Say "hoi" to your Dutch boyfriend from me :P

  17. Takk for søt kommentar! Fantastisk bidrag fra deg selv :)Europaller kan man liksom ikke se seg mett på. Ha en flott kveld!
    Klem, Chilli Charm
