tirsdag 17. august 2010


Du vet de som sitter på gata hver sommer å tegner folk? På Carl Johan eller om du har vært på ferie i syden? Hver gang jeg har gått forbi en så har jeg lyst på et portrett, men ikke hverken tid eller ork til å stoppe opp å faktisk få det gjort. Og så er det det med å måtte sitte der på gata mens du blir tegnet da, til skue for alle som går forbi. Særlig...

Derfor hoppet jeg på tilbudet da jeg så dette innlegget! 150 lusne kroner for et spesialtegnet portrett og alt du trenger å gjøre er å sende et bilde på mail til henne. Enkelt, billig og gøy med andre ord!
En dag etter at jeg sendte henne en mail så fikk jeg dette portrettet tilbake. Og Amy på jobben sa 'er det deg?' med en gang hun så det så da regner jeg nesten med at det ligner litt også :)

You know those street artists that draw portraits of people? I always wanted one of those, but never had the time or will to get one done, so naturally I jumped on this offer as soon as I saw it! Only $25 for a custom made portrait seems like a bargain to me!

Only a day after I sent her my picture I got the result sent to me by mail. Really like the cartoon-like style of it and Amy at work said ‘is that you?' as soon as she saw it so I take it that it looks a bit like me as well :) Very fun and well worth it!

18 kommentarer:

  1. isn't Amy wonderful, she did my portrait too - you can see it as my banner on my blog - such a clever lady!

  2. Now I just have to figure out what to do with it :)
    And I've seen yours - it's amazing and fits so well as a header!

  3. This is a gorgeous image! It looks like she does a fabulous job! :) Hazel

  4. I love her blog! Your portrait is really sweet.

  5. this is very cool!!!

    (new post: Oh mother, I thank you & follow me)

  6. From the few photos I've seen of you I could tell it was you straight away :D. I've also always wanted to try these street market portraits but we don't have any here but I saw loads in France when I went

  7. This is so cute and charming!

  8. Oh man that is so cute, I want one!

  9. I love it! Super cute :)

  10. hihi,thats cute!! its definitely you&your eyebrows;)) im so bitter,this guy drew me many years ago,in a bar in spain,of course ive managed to loose it...:/

  11. hahahaha I KNOW aren't they adorable? I wanted them, too!!

    love, polly :D

  12. So cute! I love her style of art!

  13. Ah, I'm so glad you like it! Yay! :3

  14. Her style is very unique. I love the little rosy cheeks she drew on...they give it a very whimsical touch!
