søndag 8. august 2010

Botanisk hage

Bilder © SignePling

Da jeg våknet i dag så var det alt for varmt til å sitte inne i leiligheten så jeg gikk på esso og kjøpte meg en flaske kald bris med mango og papaya og en blåbærmuffins før jeg ruslet over veien til botanisk hage.

Der ruslet jeg rundt litt før jeg fant meg en benk i skyggen og leste ferdig 'Miraklene i santo Fico' med D.L.Smith. Andre gang jeg leser den nå og den er minst like god som første gangen så denne boka kan jeg virkelig anbefale. He finner du komedie, drama, romantikk, sentimentalitet og alt foregår i den sjarmerende lille halvsløve italienske byen Santo Fico. Perfekt sommerbok som får deg til å både le og gråte, gjerne samtidig!

Today when I woke up my apartment was way too warm so I bought myself a blueberry muffin and headed over to the botanic garden across the street. I found a bench in the shade and finished the book ‘The miracles of Santo Fico’ by D.L.Smith for the second time. And it was just as good as the first time I read it so I recommend it warmly! 

 It contains romance, drama, comedy and at some point I laughed and cried at the same time while reading it. And the lazy little town of Santo Fico makes the perfect host for the story and when you put down the book all you want to do is go visit Italy. Just lovely!

6 kommentarer:

  1. These images are lovely.

    And that book, The miracles of Santo Fico, sounds great! I love good books like that. When they make you laugh and cry at the same time, that's the best!


  2. Love the pictures of the flowers! You are such a great photographer!!! love your bloggy!
    Big kisses,
    The Beckerman Girls


  3. åååååå,botanisk hage!!! i miss it:/

  4. Der e det så fiiint, perfekte plassen å tilbring en varm søndag :)

  5. I actually did get to go visit Italy last year with my mother, and it was so wonderful I still think it may have been a dream.

    I must look up this book you recommended, and see what it's about!

    I found your blog through the "My Favorite Color is Shiny" blog, and love your pictures! I am glad you translate it into English, but even when you don't, I can use the Google translater to find out what you're saying.

    - M

  6. The book is really amazing and even more so if you have been to Italy I imagine :)
