mandag 31. mai 2010

MiuMiu Wannabe

Om du er en av dem som har gått å siklet på et par av de fine skoene fra MiuMiu SS2010 med svaler og krystaller, men ikke helt hatt råd til dem, så kunne 5 inch and up i dag komme med en gladmelding!
River Island
har laget disse fine kopiene, ikke med svaler men med kirsebær! Pretty pretty!

Uheldigvis så ser det ikke ut til at River Island sender utenom England? Shame really...

7 kommentarer:

  1. I would so order them if only River Island shipped outside the UK! Pretty pretty :)

  2. wow...really beautiful...i love it

    visit mine??

  3. Saw these pictures by 5 inch's blog and have to say that they're not that bad!

    Visit my blog and join my giveaway, it may interest you!

  4. breathtaking!why this shoes are so amazing?however cute blog!
    I opened a new fashion blog too, I hope u'll be one of my followers:-)

  5. Nathalie: Actually, I already did! And a lovely giveaway it is :)

    Joninel & Falco Veronica: I'll be sure to stop by :)

  6. wow I LOVE EM! (I would prefer MuiMiu of course.. but... who can afford em?????)

